Arrr, me hearties!
Idioms and local turns of phrase make a translated text an authentic text. For this reason, we at SPRACHENWERFT work solely with native translators.
Translating a text can be compared with navigating a ship to port: it is individual, it is targeted and it has no margin for error. Each text brings its own peculiarities and circumstances, which is why no translation is like the other.
With a network of more than 900 professional native speakers translating in all fields, we do more than help you present your financial reports, manuals, technical instructions, websites, contracts, catalogues and presentations in the right light. We also help render them according to your reader’s linguistic and cultural understanding – all while meeting your and our quality standards, of course.
SPRACHENWERFT provides DIN EN ISO 17100-compliant translations to ensure the highest translation quality possible. DIN EN ISO 17100 is an international standard that defines the requirements for professional translation services, regardless of the industry or subject area.
With a Premium translation, a carefully chosen specialist translator translates your text into your desired target language. He or she takes cultural factors into account as well as any stylistic requirements or corporate terminology that you may have.
This consists of the Premium option, however the translation is then additionally revised by a further specialist translator. The translation therefore complies with the DIN EN ISO 17100 quality standard (revision by a second person).
This option, which is also known as adaptation, is the ideal solution when the task is to adapt text for marketing or very free wording.
Wordplay in connection with a brand statement about a product is often very difficult to translate to different languages, countries and cultures. In these situations, it is important to give the translator a bit of creative licence to come up with a solution. That is why when we translate marketing documents or advertising slogans for you, we provide a variety of suggestions and explanations for each of them. This lets you always have different options and make the final decision yourself.